About Us

Launched in 2015, REFMEK is not only a supplier for high-tech products in the market but also offers project support to customers in heating, cooling and ventilation systems. With a young and dynamic team in short time, REFMEK gets the major position in Turkey's leading projects with providing innovative and satisfaction guaranteed services to customers on the supply of mechanical equipment related products.

Priorities, according to users needs REFMEK is providing quality products and services that offer the best solution of all projecti the results assess the impact on the environment. One of the primary principle is the sensitivity to the environment.

The mutual benefits of supply-based business approach, which assumes the entire history of the building and conditioning work space projects, primarily in the renovation process to assess the expert team. Then space heating in today's needs while preserving the structure of the past, providing advanced engineering solutions in refrigeration and air conditioning, process guarantees complete smoothly.

“Doğru işi, doğru şekilde yapma” hedefiyle iş ortaklarına karşılıklı güven, dürüstlük ve sorunsuz çözüm garantisi sunan REFMEK, her geçen gün büyüyen kadrosuyla çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir.